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German quality" or Deutsche Qualität is an expression commonly used to praise the merits of a very solid, time-proven production, whose efficiency and power are undeniable. Today, it is one of the most renowned in the world.

But how did it earn such a reputation?

Germany is the cradle of modern industry. It is the country that is always at the cutting edge, always improving, always innovating. From the First Industrial Revolution in the mid-19th century to the present day, Germany has always been a high-performance, avant-garde manufacturing nation.

First and foremost in the automotive sector, with its many tried and tested brands (BMW, Mercedes, Audi, etc.), which continue to impress, Germany is the source of innovations that are adopted worldwide.

When it comes to the plastics industry, which is of direct concern to us, Germany is one of the best in the world, both in terms of quality and economic performance. Germany is one of Europe's largest injection molding markets. While this may initially be explained by the high demand for plastics in the automotive industry, it is a clear sign of the confidence its partners have in the quality of their plastics processing. And this is exactly the case with our card case production. German injection molding plants are in fierce competition with each other, and to stand out from the rest, they have to innovate, i.e. produce to extremely strict environmental standards.

Since the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1950, France and Germany have constantly strengthened their ties, primarily economic, to create a "de facto solidarity" between nations (Robert Schuman). In keeping with this tradition, EKA has chosen its German partners on the basis of very strict production standards and quality criteria. Rohs and Reach standards testify to the ecological commitment of our injectors. These standards guarantee that manufacturers aim to limit the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, and to secure the manufacture and use of chemical substances in European industry.

We can therefore be proud of our almost 35-year partnership with Germany, a privileged partner for the manufacture of highly resistant card protectors, with impeccable quality and innovative design.

"The American public associates the German economy with high-quality products and precise engineering, combined with stable policies backed by an exemplary democracy.

Kris BledowskiDirector of Economic Studies, Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation